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Zenoti Custom Gift Cards

Elevate your business with custom-printed gift cards designed specifically for your Zenoti POS system, brought to you by eCard Systems. Crafted with a premium 30 mil litho-quality PVC core, these cards are built to withstand the test of time while offering a stunning canvas for your branding. Our state-of-the-art printing technology ensures vivid, full-color designs on both the front and back, making every card a work of art. Choose a lustrous gloss or a sophisticated satin matte laminate finish to suit your aesthetic preferences. Your gift cards will include a hi-co magnetic stripe, barcode, and human-readable number. All cards will be encoded and barcoded to work with your Zenoti POS. Managing your gift card program has never been smoother. Give your customers the gift of choice and sophistication with eCard Systems’ custom-printed Zenoti POS gift cards.

About Zenoti:
Zenoti POS is a versatile and user-friendly point-of-sale system that caters to the needs of businesses in the wellness and beauty industry. With its intuitive interface, robust features, and seamless integration capabilities, Zenoti POS simplifies transactions, appointment booking, and inventory management.

In Stock


$1.23 ea.

*PLEASE NOTE: The clarity of fine detail artwork will benefit from a gloss finish. Satin matte is a flatter, softer finish that creates a nice look for many different designs and is generally best for black background cards.

Tell us about your card artwork *

You may use this card by presenting it for payment when making a purchase. This is not a credit/debit card and has no implied warranties. Merchant is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged cards or any unauthorized card use. Card is redeemable for purchases only. Unused value remains on card and cannot be redeemed for cash, except where required by law. We look forward to serving you.

Artwork Upload

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(max file size 200 MB)